Angel Batista


Angel Batista is a detective at Miami Police Depratment’s Homicide Division. Batista advanced his way to the rank of Sergeant in the start of Season Three likely replacing the position left behind by Sergeant James Doakes after his death. Whether Detective or Sergeant, Batista always works closely with Dexter Morgan during cases, often teaming up with him for his expert advice on serial killers.

Batista is a middle-aged man, who always wears a signature goatee. He has not changed his facial hair and has short, almost spiked black hair that is usually hidden under a fedora. Angel’s facial expressions are one of the most powerful traits regarding his character, truly showing his range of emotions from joy and kindness to disappointment and regret. Even rage is shown clearly and makes him one of the more emotionally developed characters for the series.


Angel is a man that loves button-up and colorful shirts, as he’s often seen wearing various Cuban inspired short-sleeved shirts at work while usually combining it with a pair of khaki pants and dress shoes. When he’s first introduced however he’s shown in a detective’s suit, with dark blue pants and a light blue shirt with a tie. His subsequent appearances almost always have him in something Cuban, so what determines the suit appearance at that point is somewhat unclear. When he does wear something more formal, he usually has a suit jacket to add to the flair. It is assumed he owns a police uniform just like Captain Maria LaGuerta but only wears it when absolutely necessary, such as if he ever makes Lieutenant in the future (a position which held by Debra Morgan later in the series).

Batista is A good natured character. He is also totally honest, at the request of his beloved father on his deathbed. This later lands him in trouble, as it drives him to expose Doakes’ killer instincts to internal affairs and, after having an affair with another woman, confesses his actions to his wife, who immediately ends their relationship, although it takes months for the painful separation to conclude with a divorce. After three months of being on his own, Batista turns to spiritual enlightenment to alleviate his pain.


The death of Detective Mike Anderson lands him in a tough spot, realizing there’s more to the case than what is let on but is told to back down by Lieutenant Debra Morgan as she works towards protecting Dexter’s secret (of being a serial killer and having murdered Mike’s killer. This event causes Angel to feel as though he’s “used up” as a Detective and he begins looking into opening a restaurant, so that he may retire in relaxation with a carefree life. Unfortunately, his dream is slowly crumbling as he receives notification after notification of problems with his restaurant by health inspectors. Soon after LaGuerta’s death however, he successfully establishes himself as the new Lieutenant of Homicide, whilst successfully taking care of his new restaurant.

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