Debra Morgan

debra Morgan

She was raised with Dexter Morgan by Deb’s biological parents Harry and Doris Morgan. Debra grew up watching her brother take a lot of the spotlight, often seeking attention from her father. She did not know that Harry’s reasoning for doing this was not because he loved her any less, but he was trying to control a “weapon” of sorts within his son to handle his own personal agenda with serial killers. Debra decided to join the police in her father’s footsteps, hoping to become worthy within his eyes,even though he had passed away years before.


She grew steadily throughout the series, moving up from a cop in vice to Lieutenant of Miami Metro Homicide. Unfortunately, when she killed Captain Maria LaGuerta to protect her brother Dexter, something inside of her changed and she left her life at Miami Metro behind. She worked as a Private Investigator for Elway Investigations for a short amount of time before returning to Miami Metro. She was later shot by Oliver Saxon and suffered from a blood clot during surgery. She died when Dexter turned off her life-support and dumped her body in the ocean.

debra died

She is the Final Victim of Dexter Morgan.


Episode 806

Debra is a thin, Caucasian woman. Her face is soft and somewhat long, with a big smile. Her hair is ever changing, going from one length to another (and in Season 3, even cutting off a lot of it) but typically remains light brown.
Her overall body is thin but athletic, meaning she’s capable of running down a perp when necessary rather than just drag behind. On the side of her stomach (right side) she has a scar where she was shot during Season 4, now sharing the same type of look her brother has (on both his side and arm).



Debra is not shy with curse words but is lonely despite the rough persona she presents. Debra’s ability to be “one of the guys” is what allows her to be so effective at her job. She is headstrong and wears her emotions on her sleeves, but deep down she is caring and sensitive. She is a lot of things that Dexter is not; crass, impulsive, emotional, trusting and thus serves as a perfect foil for Dexter. She highlights his shortcomings in his attempts to be “human”.

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